How can Social Media be used in Market Research

How can Social Media be used in Market Research

Social Media has developed in to a platform which companies cannot avoid if they want to make their presence known. Not only does it provide multiple options to advertise but it also offers tremendous amount of scope for Market Research. Data collection and understanding consumer behavior, their preferences is very much possible to achieve through social media market research. In this video, let us see what are the ways and methods on how social media can be used in Market Research.


Written By IIPMR Team

International Institute for Procurement and Market Research (IIPMR) is a global leader in offering Certifications in Supply Chain, Procurement & Market Research. IIPMR Team comprises of senior executives and ex-employees from Apple, IBM, Walmart, P & G, HP etc. IIPMR has members from 78 Countries that have completed CPP, CSCS, CSCA, CRA, CRE and CRP Certifications.

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