How to use Logistics to Go Global

3d world wide cargo transport concept

Here is an excellent video from UPS called UPS Game Changers Campaign that focuses primarly on a game-changing idea for your business: Go Global. Some of the best companies have understood that there are truly no borders to do your business. Gone are the days when the most important piece of your business was the location. Right now, it does not really matter where the product is made. The world as we know today is flat with the advent of advanced and optimal logistic capabilities. Watch this video to see how you can actually do International Trade by overcoming the laguage barrier, curreny or tax liablities by using the right logistic partner for your company.

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Sunil Ashwin Roy is the Founder and CEO of International Institute for Procurement and Market Research. He is one of the leading Authoritative Figures today in the Market Research and Supply Chain Field. He has worked with Fortune 500 clients in USA, Argentina, Turkey, Dubai, Malaysia, Vietnam and China. He is qualified in Supply Chain Management from IIM-Calcutta and is also the founder of the world’s first procurement portal with inbuilt Market Intelligence tool that has members from 54+ countries.

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How to use Logistics to Go Global
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